ryoyamanaka,la terricolíta, is a self-taught photographer from the Earth, to be precise from Tokyo Japan.
A Japanese traditional idiom, '諸行無常' (shogyo-mujo) which means 'impermanence' is her eternal theme in photography. Death, a symbol of the impermanence of things, is her 1st life lesson ever since she can remember at the age of 4 losing her father to esophageal cancer. What is life? What is death? These are the question she asks herself day to day.
Her mission of life is to seek and capture the beauty of yourself at the time that never comes back nor be the same. We all keep changing inside and out till the moment that forces to finish by the name of death, which is the only fact in this world that proves you do exist on this planet as a human being having your own body with your emotions & thoughts like clouds in the sky or waves on the shore.